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Katherine Mao

My name is Katherine Mao. I am currently a sophomore in high school. I started playing the piano at the age of 7 when I was visiting my family in China over the summer and my grandma threw me into a piano lesson. I will be quite honest; at first, I was reluctant to practice, but piano has now become one of my passions. Piano offers a peaceful and calming feeling that I can't get doing anything else. My favorite composer is definitely Chopin (what a surprise) because of his passionate and emotional style. Other than piano, I participate in many school clubs and sports. I started playing softball at around the same age I began piano, at 7 years old, and I have been playing softball ever since. In terms of academics in school, I am very interested in the science field, specifically the biochemical area, and I would love to do something in the future related to biochemistry and computer science. Maybe a biostatician? Who knows what the future holds!

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