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Kaden Larson

Kaden Larson, 22, was born and raised in Utah, U.S.A. He began playing piano at age three as a therapeutic activity to help fight a severely crippling case of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis in his hands and feet. He initially learned piano from his mother, and then began piano lessons at age four with Tricia West. Since then, he has also had opportunities to study with accomplished pianists Chad Schumacher and Dr. Stephen Beus, and has been a student of Dr. Scott Holden since 2008. Kaden has performed with the Lyceum Repertory Orchestra of American Fork, the Oquirrh Mountain Symphony, the Symphony Orchestra of Brigham Young University, and the Utah Philharmonic Orchestra. He just completed his junior year in the Piano Performance program at Brigham Young University and last year also spent a term of music study in Vienna, Austria.

Kaden regularly gives recitals and performances throughout the state of Utah, including (mostly recently) recitals at the Eccles Concert Hall at Dixie State University, and at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. Currently he is serving as president of the BYU Collegiate Chapter of the Music Teachers' National Association. He is active as a student, performer, choir member, accompanist, and teacher.

Kaden recently received word that he has been accepted as one of only eighteen international participants in the 5th Dublin International Piano Festival, and will be attending the festival in July.

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