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Julin S. Cheung

Julin was born in Virginia, USA to a Chinese father and a Russian mother. At age six, he came home from school and claimed he wanted to play the flute. His parents had no idea where he acquired this dream, but he was so persistent that a week later they gave in and rented a "real silver flute" for him. Finding a teacher for Julin was difficult as nobody in the area wanted a flute student so young. Luckily, Julin got introduced to Mary MacRae, a Scottish-American flute teacher who ran a small flute studio in North Seattle and loved teaching younger students. Two years later, at age 8, Julin was accepted to the Seattle Youth Symphony where he became the youngest woodwind player. Likewise, he was the youngest woodwind contestant at the Seattle's Performing Arts Festival Eastside in March of 2016, where he captured the first prize in a woodwind solo class competition. A few months after that, Julin received a special invitation from Sir James Galway to attend the Galway Flute Festival in Weggis, Switzerland, where he took masterclasses from Sir James and Lady Jeanne Galway, and collaborated with some of the most advanced young flutists in the world. Julin currently performs with the Seattle Youth Symphony, as well as with Mary MacRae's students in public concerts, playing flute and piccolo. He additionally takes violin lessons and composes his own flute and violin concertos. Aside from music, Julin enjoys computer coding, building domino castles, and parkour. He loves challenge and thrives under pressure. Julin has a competitive spirit and loves being on stage, but he appreciates sharing his love for music with other people the most. His dream is to perform as a soloist with an orchestra one day.

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