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Pham Bach

My name is Phạm Bách and I was born in Northern Vietnam. Born on November 27, 2008

I became familiar with vioin instruments since I was 5 with the first lesson with Dr. Bui Cong Duy so far. 3rd year Follow a source training program from Vietnam National Academy of Music.

January 2019 won a gold medal at the Asia Pacific Art Festival Competition for violin musical instruments.

November 2019 won the Ussato Prize of Chiangmai Ginastena International Music Contest

DECEMBER 2019 won the second prize in the autumn music contest in Vietnam.

FEBRUARY 2020 won the Special Brilliant Talent Discovery Awards International Music Competition IN SINGAPORE and was honored to be invited to perform the gala concert at the Esplanade Recital Hall, Singapore.

In July 2016 I attended a summer camp at the University of North Texas and was selected to perform solo at the concert hall large stage.

In July, 2019 reached the full 2 year of the International Music Session in New York USA.

July 2019 Performing at the Eat Hampton retirement home in New York.

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