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Sam English

Beyond his studying astrophysics at UCSC, researching microlensing events due to primordial black holes or exploring the effects of dynamical friction on the distribution of dark matter surrounding binary black hole mergers and the like, Sam English absolutely adores music and playing instruments: specifically, that of the piano. 

Sam pulls life experiences from all sorts of backgrounds and the focus he gives to a task or goal is his entirety: when Sam commits to something, he fully commits, entrenching himself in the subject, striving to fulfill his aspirations.  He treats both his mind and body with the utmost respect: he’s enthralled with competitive diving, rock climbing (bouldering/top-roping both in- and outdoors), and connecting his experience inside the practice room to the bustling world of music surrounding us. 

Every human has a story to tell, every song an essence or emotion: driven by previous heartbreak, traumatic events, wildfires grazing his hometown, and a powerful want to inspire others, Sam always tries to carry his heart and soul into every piece he performs.

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