Wenqing Weng is originally from China. She is an active Percussionist. She participated in the All-County Middle School Honor Band and District National Anthem Honor Band in 2019. At the District Solo and Ensemble Festival, she received superior, the highest rating. She has been a member of the Youth Orchestra of Palm Beach County since 2019. She is currently a MYP3 student at Boca Prep International School and a member of NJHS.
Wenqing Weng
Wenqing Weng is originally from China. She is an active Percussionist. She participated in the All-County Middle School Honor Band and District National Anthem Honor Band in 2019. At the District Solo and Ensemble Festival, she received superior, the highest rating. She has been a member of the Youth Orchestra of Palm Beach County since 2019. She is currently a MYP3 student at Boca Prep International School and a member of NJHS.
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