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Tristan Park

Tristan Park is 12 years old and 6th grader who is in the Advanced Academic Program at Oakton Elementary School. He has been playing piano since he was 5 years old and has been with Dr. Mihyang Joo since fall 2016. He received the 1st place prize from the Gertrude S. Brown Memorial Piano Concerto Competition, 2019, and the YMIC Metropolitan Solo and Chamber Music Festival 2017, 2nd place from the NVMTA Robert Spencer Concerto Competition 2020, AAMS International Piano Competition 2019, NVMTA Concerto Festival 2018, 3rd place from YMIC Competition and Henle Piano Competition 2018, and Honorable mention from Steinway & Sons Piano Competition 2018 and 2019, AAMS International Competition 2018, and NVMTA Piano Achievement Awards Competition 2019. 

Tristan performed at the Carnegie Hall in New York as a winner of Golden Key Music Festival in 2018, and 2017. He has participated in several Winners’ recitals in 2017-2020. In addition to playing piano, he enjoys swimming, drawing and reading books. He won the first place in Duke TIP Illustration contest 2019 and 2020, Federal Junior Duck Stamp Contest (Virginia) 2018, and honorable mention in 2019. 

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