Sophia Glicklich is an eighth grade student at the Campbell Hall School, where she is on the Headmasters list for scholastic achievement. She studies piano with Ms. Teresita de Jong-Pombo at the Colburn School of the Performing Arts. She is a prize winner in many competitions, including a 2 time first place winner in the Elite International Music Competition, where she was invited to perform at Carnegie Hall. In her spare time, Sophie loves reading, baking, and taking care of her dog, Cookie.
Sophia Glicklich
Sophia Glicklich is an eighth grade student at the Campbell Hall School, where she is on the Headmasters list for scholastic achievement. She studies piano with Ms. Teresita de Jong-Pombo at the Colburn School of the Performing Arts. She is a prize winner in many competitions, including a 2 time first place winner in the Elite International Music Competition, where she was invited to perform at Carnegie Hall. In her spare time, Sophie loves reading, baking, and taking care of her dog, Cookie.
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