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Nevaeh Urueta


Ever since I was little, I was always singing; before I could even talk properly, I was singing. Whether it was just humming along to whatever tune was playing on the radio or trying to sing songs with my mom, I loved to sing. When I was around 4 years old, my dad got me my first musical equipment piece, a microphone. My mother showed my sister and me a TV show called American Idol; I loved it. I never even thought that a TV show was dedicated to singing, let alone music in general. I was so infatuated with it and the idea of singing in front of people; it was eye-opening. I never thought it was something you could do as a profession, and I was so excited about it. When I was around 7, my dad got me a keyboard and had me take piano lessons, and I took them for about 2 years. In 2016 I started taking voice lessons to help improve my singing technique and learn how to sing properly while challenging myself. It is now 2020, and I’ve been taking singing lessons for almost 4 years now. Within that time frame, I’ve completed 3 recitals and started singing at my church in the production team to gain experience in singing on stage and in front of a crowd. For the past 3 to 4 months, my music teacher has encouraged me to start looking out for vocal competitions. This will be my first vocal competition, and I can’t wait to see what will happen!

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