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Julia Kolakowska

Julia Kołakowska

When I was 12 year old I decided to join local brass orchestra. A bandmaster was my first teacher. He was not a flutist. Next year I got into music school, which was opened by my bandmaster. I was in Bartosz Morus'es class. After four years I moved out to Warsaw, because of my secondary music school. Now my teacher is Marcin Kamiński. Through the years I was taking part in different competitions (in Biała Podlaska, Kwidzyn, Sochaczew, Solec Kujawski, Włocławek). I am also taking courses from professors from all over the world: Agata Igras, Gareth McLearnon, Maria Peradzyńska, Daniel Rybicki, Berten D'Hollander. Now I am 18 and I am still a member of my favourite brass orchestra. I cannot allow it to be forgotten. Music is all my life and this is the only thing that keeps me alive.

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