Johanna Weatherby is an 8 year old gifted student who attends Clay-Harmony Leland Elementary in Mableton, Georgia. She has been under the tutelage of Dr. Adriana Janse van Rensburg for piano and music theory. Johanna has proudly earned distinctions and merit ratings on ABRSM Piano and Music Theory exams. She consistently receives superior ratings in Piano Guild of America and has participated in numerous piano recitals and talent shows in Atlanta. Johanna is a passionate and engaged piano student who strives for excellence in all of her musical endeavors.
Johanna Weatherby
Johanna Weatherby is an 8 year old gifted student who attends Clay-Harmony Leland Elementary in Mableton, Georgia. She has been under the tutelage of Dr. Adriana Janse van Rensburg for piano and music theory. Johanna has proudly earned distinctions and merit ratings on ABRSM Piano and Music Theory exams. She consistently receives superior ratings in Piano Guild of America and has participated in numerous piano recitals and talent shows in Atlanta. Johanna is a passionate and engaged piano student who strives for excellence in all of her musical endeavors.
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