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Jan Wachowski

Jan Wachowski is twenty-one-year-old Polish pianist. Currently he is on the first year of master studies at the Frederic Chopin’s University of Music in Warsaw in the piano faculty guided by Elżbieta Karaś-Krasztel and Konrad Skolarski. Simultaneously he is a third-year student in the composition faculty guided by Paweł Łukaszewski.

He attended numerous piano courses including period instruments under the guidence of Tobias Koch, Kevin Kenner, Philip Giusiano, Nikolai Demidenko, Krzysztof Jabłoński, Wojciech Świtała. He has already given many pianistic performances, among others; in Forbidden City Concert Hall (Beijing, China), Belgium, Italy, Germany and in Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin.

His most important pianistic achievements include: 1st Prize at the 1st International Piano Competition MusicAlive Online (Katowice, Poland 2020), 2nd Prize and Chopin Prize at the 4th Theodor Leschetizky International Piano Competition (Hamburg, Germany 2020), 1st Prize at the 21st Pietro Argento International Piano Competition in Pianistic Performance category up to 37 years as a nineteen-year-old pianist (Barii, Italy 2018), Special Prize at the International Anton Rubinstein Competition (Dusseldorf, Germany 2020), 1st Prize, Grand Prix and Special Award of Szczecin Philharmonic at the 5th National Piano Competition (Szczecin, Poland 2017), 2nd Prize at the 4th International Frederic Chopin Competition (Rzeszów, Poland 2017), 5th Prize at the 49th Frederic Chopin’s National Piano Competition (Warsaw, Poland 2018). Waldesrauschen by Ferenc Liszt in his performance has been released on the jubilee album on the 20th edition of Morningside Music Bridge International Program, which he was a participant in 2016. One of his last performances in Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin during the final concert with International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra conducted by Rune Bergmann ended up with a great success. He played Variations on a Paganini theme of Witold Lutosławski.

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