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David Lee

 David Benjamin Lee is currently a 9th grader from California. From a very young age, music has been an indispensable part of David’s life. He enjoys music, listening to it when he eats, in the car, when he does homework, and at many other times too.

When David was in kindergarten, he joined the kid’s choir in his local church. He performed in musicals for audiences of hundreds of people until he finished fifth grade. At age 5, he started learning the piano. He has been playing it for nine years now.

David is currently studying piano with professor John McCarthy. He has earned multiple State Honors from the California Music Teachers Association for the Certificate of Merit evaluation, but is new to the piano competition scene.

David also plays the violin. Apart from music, he has many other hobbies. David likes playing table tennis and drawing; He participates and enjoys competitive mathematics, computer programming, all the sciences (biology, chemistry, physics), and history bee.

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