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Danielle Marie Soriano

My name is Danielle Marie Soriano, I am a 14 year old Filipino citizen based in Singapore. I am currently a year 2 student at the School of the Arts in Singapore, and part of their theatre cohort. 

I started my journey in the performing arts when I was 8 years old. I have performed at several shows in Singapore and abroad. Singapore National Day 2019, International Women's Day Gala in 2019, ASEAN Tourism Forum in 2017 to name some of my local performances. I have also performed at Hong Kong Disneyland (2016) & Paris Disneyland (2017) as part of the Disney Performing Arts featured in the Disney Parks. 

My most memorable performance was at Carnegie Hall when I won second place for both classical and musical theatre division at American Protege in December of 2018.

I hope to be able to finish all my Lamda Musical Theatre certification next year. 

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