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Crystal Mirci

Crystal is 8 years old, born in the USA. 

From the time she was born, the piano inherited from her great-grandmother was there to "play" with. She grew musically active by playing instruments, singing, and dancing around. Her father began to teach piano basics when she was 3, but she quickly surpassed him.

She began to take lessons from Dr. Mio Cowden at University of Utah Preparatory Division at age 5, and formally started studying piano. At age 8, she also became a student of Dr. Vedrana Subotic, a professor at University of Utah.

She is in 4th grade and excels in her academics. She skipped a grade and has been attending a gifted school in Salt Lake City, Utah.

She also enjoys reading in Japanese and English, programming, drawing, basketball, badminton, and tennis.

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