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Connor Kim

 Connor Kim, 9 years Old, is a fourth grader at Colin Powell Elementary School. Connor has started learning piano when he was 5 years old with Dr. Mihyang Joo. Connor loves music and he enjoys to play technical exercises when he has a free time. For last four years, he has been awarded at several music competitions including second place at NVMTA Robert Spencer Concerto Competition in 2020 which is highly competitive event among NVMTA events. Recently, he won Vienna Grand Prize from 2020 Vienna Jenend Musik Wettbewerb, won Honorable Mention from 2020 Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin competition, and won the third place from 2020 Washington Universal Piano Competition. He also won the first place at YMIC Metropolitan Music Festival in 2019, 2017, National Gospel Music Competition in 2018, and second place at Elite International Music Competition in 2019, YMIC Metropolitan Music Festival in 2018, and Gold medal at Golden key Music Festival in 2018. Connor also won Gold prize and the Best Performance Award from National Gospel Music Competition in 2018, George Mason Music Competition in 2018, NVMTA Sonata festival in 2020, NVMTA, and awarded Honorable Mention at NVMTA Judged recital in 2020, Washington National Youth Competition in 2019, NVMTA Concerto Festival in 2018, 3rd place at MSMTA piano ensemble festival in 2018. 

 In 2018, Connor has performed at Weil Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall as a Gold prize winner of Golden Key Music Festival. In April, 2019, he has been selected to perform at Weil Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York again as a winner of Elite International Music Competition. He has performed at several venues like Mansion at Strathmore, Center stage at Reston Community Center, Steinway Gallery, Harris Theatre at George Mason University. 

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