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Angela Yang


Angela Yang is currently a seven years old girl from St Louis, Missouri, United State. 

At age five, Angela started exploring piano with Mrs Julie Berry. Inspired by the quotation from Plato, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”, Angela actively joined senior music share in various senior care facilities to bring love and happiness!

 Since Jan 2020, Angela started her second-year piano journey with Mrs Inessa Kaplan who opened a new classic music world to her. She loves learning and playing pieces by Bach, Beethoven, Shubert, Clementi, Tchaikovsky, Spindler, etc. Playing music is like telling a vivid story. Every time she plays it, she imagines, visualizes a scene that relates to the song, and feels the joy!

Besides playing the piano, Angela loves reading mystery books, drawing sketches and water color, studying new languages, and solving puzzles. She also enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and bicycling."

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