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Amber H Wang

As an active chamber and solo young musician,  Ms. Amber Wang started playing cello when she was nine by joining her elementary school's orchestra. In 2016 she was selected as the cello principle and performed in IUSD Elementary School Honor Orchestra. She participated in the All-Southern California Middle School Honor Orchestra as second chair for following two years. This year, she performed with the California All-State High School Honor Orchestra, and was invited to play for All National Music Festival in Indiana. During summer 2018, as an appointed Amici Artist, she had the honor to perform numerous fund raising recitals with other talented young artists at UC Santa Barbara Karl Geiringer Hall. Ms. Wang had participated in many cello competitions and had recently won the 2nd place in The American Protégé International Competition of and open category for Satori Music Competition. Amber Wang is currently a junior at Woodbridge High School in California, participating in WHS philharmonic orchestra under the direction of Ms. Joslynne Blasdel. She studies her cello performance with Ms. Jenny Oh who is a cello professor at Concordia University. 

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