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Agnieszka Kruszyna


Agnieszka Kruszyna (born 1998) – dramatic coloratura soprano. In September 2017 she started studying in Zespół Państwowych Szkół Muzycznych im. Fryderyka Chopina in Warsaw on the vocal arts faculty, in singing class of professor Bożena Betley. She graduated with honours in September 2020. Participant of the project of Zespół Państwowych Szkół Muzycznych im. Fryderyka Chopina in Warsaw – Henry Purcell’s opera „Dido and Aeneas” in the role of Dido. Laureate of the honorable mention in XV Franciszka Platówna National Vocal Competition in Wrocław (April 2018), II prize in XII Ludomir Różycki National Vocal Competition in Gliwice (March 2019), I prize and special award in I National Vocal Competition „Śpiewniki Domowe” in Łódź (November 2019) and III prize in The „Emil Rotundu” Canto & Piano International Contest (July 2020). In November 2019 she started studying at Akademia Muzyczna im. Grażyny i Kiejstuta Bacewiczów in Łódź, on the performing arts faculty, in singing class of PhD Dorota Wójcik. At Academy she participate in many projects, like concert „W parkach i ogrodach francuskiego baroku” during 7. AŻ Festiwal with Orkiestra Barokowa Akademii Muzycznej w Łodzi, or production of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s opera „Platée” in the role of La Folie (premiere in spring 2021). Participant of program Operatic of Modern Opera Art Studio in Warsaw – production of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s opera „Così fan tutte” in the 2020/2021 season and project of European Opera Academy – staging of an XVIII-century opera buffa with Conservatorio Arrigo Boito di Parma in II semestr of 2020/2021 academic year.

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