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Maximilian Wolfgang Schwarz


Maximilian Wolfgang Schwarz was born 1997 in Vienna. By the age of 5 he started playing the drums with his first teacher in Geneva. Two years later the family moved to Bielefeld, where he widened his musical horizon learning classical percussion. In his youth he played in multiple bands, performed on big stages and won multiple awards competing in classical competitions. 

Since October 2015 he studies drums pop-/worldmusic with classical music at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock. Here he gained skills in classical composition, which he fusions with his activity as a hip-hop producer in a cutting-edge manner. 

He gained further inspiration attending diverse masterclasses and joining the stage with international top artists including Benny Greb, Zoro The Drummer, Robby Ameen and Alexej Gerrassimez. During a multiple days workshop with Grammy-award winning bandoneon luminary Raul Jaurena, he gained deep insight into latin music.

Since 2016 his work not only includes being a drummer, but also being a composer for film, classical music and pop. The sonatas “Crisis In Three Movements” and “Tricolon For Solo Percussion” could be named as his most important works. Max Schwarz is founder and drummer of the neurofunk/postrock band CozmicRip (since 2016) and of the avantgarde/electronica trio maTrigal (since 2019).

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