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Vivian Kao (cello)

12-year old Vivian Kao started learning cello when she was 10, and she studies cello with professor Jean- Michel Fonteneau. She is a student of the SFCM Pre-College Program, and plays in the SFCM school orchestra and chamber music. Not only she likes to perform at school, but she also likes to perform in senior centers.

Vivian plays piano as well. She won 1st in The Great Composers Competition “Best Debussy Performance” last year. This year, she won top prizes (1st to 3rd place) in the MTAC Piano Solo Competition, CAPMT Honors Competition, American Protege, and AADGT. In addition, she received two Carnegie Hall invitations.

Vivian enjoys many sports, and is on a swim team, cross-country, and track & field team. She also enjoys classical ballet and art.

Vivian has severe to profound hearing loss, but that won’t stop her from learning music.

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