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Leonardo Moretti

Leonardo Moretti started studying the violin under the guidance of Luca Santaniello (Concertmaister of “Auditorium di Milano” Symphony Orchestra), achieving the pre-academic diploma at the age of fifteen.

He played with the orchestra for Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China in Bejging for Western New Year 2018, for the President of the Italian Republic at the Senate of Rome in the Christmas concert of 2016. He also played for the Minister of Culture of the Haitian government Raoul Peck in Winchester (2013), and for José Antonio Abreu Deputy in the Congress of Venezuela (2015).

After graduation he continues his studies with F. Manara (Teatro Alla Scala) at “Accademia di Milano” (ABRSM - MMM) to become “Fellow of the Royal Schools of Music”.
He attended high specialization courses at the "Accademia Chigiana" with Boris Belkin (taking advantag of a scholarship granted by merit within the ""ChigImola Musica"" Festival) at the ""Accademia di Imola"" with Maurizio Sciarretta, the Short Course at the "Accademia L. Perosi" with Ana Chumachenco, the "Garda Music Master" with Viktor Tret'jakov and the "Venice Music Master" with Thomas Christian.

Last year he performed works by A. Bazzini, N. Paganini for the Bicentenary of the writing of ""24 Capricci per Violino Solo op.1"" at Carnegie Hall (NYC) and live on Rai Radio Classica for the Anniversary of Arturo Toscanini's birth.

He also collaborates with the Catholic University "Sacro Cuore" "Winchester College", the ""Oxford University Faculty of Music (Holywell Music Room)" and "Martin Luther University".

Over the years he has won over 18 regional, national and international competitions, including:
11° Concorso Nazionale L'Aquila ("Marco Dall' Aquila") - 1° Premio Assoluto 100/100
Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale "Nuovi Talenti" Città di Spinea - Diploma d' Onore 97/100
12° International Competition "Jan Langosz” - 1° Premio ex aequo (triplo)
6° Concorso Nazionale "Claudio Abbado" - Fondazione Milano _ 97/100
Auryn Competition, HfM Detmold University of Music – 5th Place
Euro Music Festival, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg – “Young Artist Concert”
23° Internetional Competition “Franz Schubert” and Modern Music – 1st Place
20° Concorso Regionale "Città di Torino" - 1° Premio Assoluto 100/100 _ Premio Rotary Club - 2° Prize
Premio dei Conservatori ("Làszlò Spezzaferri”) - 1° Premio Assoluto 100/100 (Premio Virtuositè)
3° Classic Artists Online Competition (Lombardy) – 3° ex aequo
"Grand Prize Virtuoso” International Music Competition – 1st Place
Diapason D’Oro – Pordenone Music Festival (100/100)

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