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Jana Nikolovska

Jana Nikolovska was born in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. She has been playng the piao since she was six. She is attending the primary school of music and balet "Ilija Nikolovski-Luj" in Skopje, in the class of the Professor Samira Mustafaoglu.

Jana is recieving awards at competitions in her country and in foreing countries as well.
-In 2015, the first price at the international piano competition of young pianists in Vranje-Serbia.
-In 2016, the first price at international piano competition of youth , Gevgelija-Macedonia.
-In 2017,2018 the first price at the international competition of classical music""Art in-Veles""-Macedonia.
-In 2019, the second price at the international Sirmium music fest-Serbia, and first price at the international piano competition for youth, Gevgelija-Macedonia.

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