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Syrus Aslam

Syrus Aslam is 15 years old, and a Sophomore at Vista Del Lago High School in Folsom, California, USA. Syrus started playing piano when he was 6 years of age. He moved to a new teacher Mira Veligan when he was 8 years old and started taking CM (California Music Teachers Certification) exam. He was an honorable mention during a Memorial scholarship competition arranged by MTAC. He took part in Summer Chamber of Music by Sacramento Youth Symphony for last several years. He completed the piano certification exam last year and moved with Dr. Natsuki Fukasawa for further piano advancement. Syrus recently participated in Baroque Music Festival and scored highest with Premium performance. He has been performing in winter, Spring, and summer recitals for past 9 years.

Syrus is also passionate about math and science. His love for math has started since elementary school. He completed all high school maths while in middle school and masted in those. And now completing Differential Equation at a nearby college while in 10th grade at high school. He has been involved in Quiz bowl and Science Bowl club since middle school and made it to quiz bowl National through his middle school. He had been state qualifier for several math competitions. He will be participating in science bowl regional tournament from his high school in February, 2020. He is also participated in American Regional Mathematics League competition as part of Sacramento Regional Team.

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