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3+1 String Quartet

The 3+1 String Quartet members are Emily Liu and Lindsey Lim at the violins, Michael Wang at the viola, and Joey Hsieh at the cello, currently under the instruction of Maestro Dietrich Paredes Baralt. During their time as a quartet, individually they already have amassed quite a list of musical accomplishments: winners of string competitions, leading roles in school performances, members of the Maryland All-State Junior Orchestra, and leadership positions in the Maryland Classic Youth Orchestra. In 2015, the quartet was formed from their leadership positions in Preparatory Strings of MCYO directed by Maestro Jorge Orozco. Under the tutelage of Dr. Maria Montano, the quartet has achieved multiple prizes in competitions which include the Maryland State Music Teacher Association Strings Plus, Misbin Family Memorial Chamber Music Competition, and Young Musicians Inspiring Change Metropolitan Music Festival. They have also performed in masterclasses with the Brooklyn Rider String Quartet, Doric String Quartet, and Maestro Roberto Valdes. The 3+1 String Quartet has performed at the Strathmore (pre-show for National Philharmonic concerts), the Round House Theatre (Montgomery County Executive Award Reception), the AMP (Strathmore’s Annual Cabaret Fundraiser), BlackRock Center for the Arts, the Donor’s Reception of the Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Gallery of Arts. In light of their humanitarian efforts, they had played a benefit concert for Shalom Scholarship to raise funds for students in El Salvador. Through their performances, the quartet has grown to love chamber music and enjoys sharing it with others.

Emily Liu, violin
Lindsey Lim, violin
Michael Wang, viola
Joseph Hsieh, cello

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