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Shinmu Jiang

Shinmu Jiang is 14 years old, and a 9th grade student at Gunn High School in Palo Alto, California, USA. Shinmu started playing the piano at the age of 6, at the Community School of Music and Arts(CSMA) in Mountain View, California, under Ms. Muza Mdzinarishvili. For the past 3 years, he has been a Merit Scholar of CSMA.
Currently, Shinmu Jiang is in the 8th grade of the ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal School of Music). During all 8 years of study with this program, he has passed with distinction and merit.

Shinmu has widely performed in school recitals including solo performances and chamber music, and he expanded his performances in numerous competitions where he won the top prizes including: 3 gold medals, Outstanding Gold Medalist Award from USOMC competition. In 2019, he received the recognition of Outstanding Performance of J.S Bach's works from the Junior Bach Festival, and performed at the winner concert. Recently, he won two international competitions with 2nd place at the AFAF(American Fine Arts Festival) and Elite International Music Competition. As a result, he will be performing at the winners recital in February and June 2020 at the Weill Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall, New York. At the 2019 US New Star Piano Competition, he won 3rd place.

Shinmu's interests expand beyond music. He likes to play basketball, and is on the school team. Also, he participates in robotics with his friends on their newly created team.

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