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John Kim

My name is John Kim, and I have played the cello for over 8 years. Ever since I was young, I was always interested in music performance. Playing the cello has been a very big pleasure, and I look forward to continuing playing the cello. For the past 6 years, I participated in many different musical opportunities. Every year, I always participated in orchestras, such as MCYO (Maryland Classic Youth Orchestra) and PVYO (Potomac Valley Youth Orchestra), I have been part of the all-state orchestra for Maryland, and I have won prizes for solo competitions such as MSMTA competition. After all of these years of playing and performing, playing the cello is still the greatest interest in my life. I feel that by competing in this competition, I can further my performing skills, and it would greatly improve my skills. I think that this competition is a great opportunity to show my interest in cello.

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