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The Shades Wind Quintet

The Shades Wind Quintet, made up of Columbus State University students and alumni, continues to promote diversity in music through educational outreach, performances, and commissioning projects. Members of the quintet attend Columbus State University, DePaul University, University of Missouri-Kansas City, and Florida State University. This quintet maintains an active performance calendar, including numerous woodwind quintet standards, alongside new avant-garde works. Members of the quintet remain active throughout the year, performing in University ensembles, chamber music, recitals, competitions and summer festivals, including the Hot Springs Summer Music Festival, Neif Norf, Imani Winds Chamber Music Festival, and Sewanee Summer Music Festival. Some members have also performed internationally, being featured on concerts in Mexico and Belgium. Most recently, the quintet was invited to perform as featured guests at the 2019 Schwob Summer Music Festival. Avid supporters of new music, the Shades Wind Quintet is currently working on a commissioning and recording project, anticipated in 2020.

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FREE Entries: May 8 - 15

FREE Entries: May 14 - 21

FREE Entries: May 18 - 25

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