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Emily Jeeho Park

Emily Park, 17, is a senior from Skyline High School, WA, USA. She currently studies with Dr. Sasha Starcevich and has won numerous top prize awards under his direction; such honors include the Seattle Symphony Young Artist Auditions, Seattle Youth Symphony Concerto Competition, the Seattle Young Artists Music Festival, Bainbridge Symphony Concerto Competition Washington State Solo and Ensemble Contest, the Chopin Northwest Competition, EMTA Scholarship Competition, ENKOR International Music Competition, and Classical King FM’s Young Artist Awards. In addition, she has performed in prestigious venues through festivals such as MusicFest Perugia in Italy and the John Perry Academy of Music. Emily has worked with many talented pianists such as Jean Yves Thibaudet, Ilana Vered, Mikhail Petukhov, John Perry, Marina Lomazov, and Boris Slutsky in the past. She is looking forward to performing with the Seattle Symphony in May 2020.

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