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Joelle Chen

Joelle is a high school senior from Lakeville, Minnesota and studies violin under the instruction of Lucinda Marvin. She has been a member of Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies (GTCYS) since 7th grade, where she has grown musically as well as formed wonderful friendships. Through GTCYS, she has toured with the Symphony Orchestra in South America and Europe, and mentored younger musicians in summer music camp. She has performed at the state fair, art festivals, weddings, special events, senior and hospice care homes, and churches. This fall, she joined the Symphony Orchestra at the University of Minnesota (UMN) as a violist and is also a student of Korey Konkol, professor of viola at the UMN. Outside of music, she enjoys traveling, reading, and petting dogs. Next year, she will study violin performance at Northwestern University under the instruction of Blair Milton.

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