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Alexey Pyekh

My name is Alexey Pyekh. I am a 4th grader who is really excited to participate in this competition. Music has always been a part of my life. I play piano, take singing classes and participate in local recitals. I have taken part in the Federal Festival of the National Federation Of Music Club and soon will have a chance to perform at the Young Performers Recital Series organized by Atlanta Music Club.

My favorite music band is the Beatles, and my favorite songs are "I Want Something Just Like This", "High Hopes" and "Ten Light Years Away".

My other hobbies are drama, reptiles and books. I really like to perform on stage at my drama classes. Most of my free time I read about lizards or fictional books.
Thank you for the given opportunity to participate in this series.

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FREE Entries: Sept 8 - 15

FREE Entries: Sept 8 - 15

FREE Entries: Sept 14 - 21

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