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Igor Mikhailovskiy

Igor is the laureate and winner of the Grand Prix of many international and All-Russian competitions, the most significant: X International music competition “The muse”, Greece, (2015-1 prize); open festival-competition "Golden Lyre-2016" (Grand Prix); Adams flute factor - 2016 (Netherlands, 2 prize); International competition “Nota Bene!” (2017, Grand Prix); ENKOR international music competition-2016 (3rd prize); International Flute Competition named V.N. Tsybin (2017-1 premium); International competition in Val de Travers, (Switzerland, 2017-2 Award); International competition "My favorite flute" (2016, 2018-2 award); "Gnessin competition for young musicians" (2018-1 award); XIV International Competition TsMSh-2018 (3 prize); Open competition "I play on two instruments" (2018-1 award), the Winner of the flutists competition named after Tabakov – 2018, Winner of the contest The Nutcracker – 2018, finalist for the national competition Bluebird - 2018. Igor constantly attends master classes of outstanding flute players, among them - James Galway, Vincent Lucas, Raffaele Trevisani, Nikos Karassavidis, Sibel Pensel, Claire Sausvort, Nicole Esposito , Maria Fedotova, Olga Ivusheikova, Maria Chepurina, Nikolai Mokhov, Nikolai Popov and many others. November 10, 2018, Igor had a solo concert with the orchestra at the Pavel Slobodkin Center. In 2017, as the winner of the Grand Prix of the competition, Igor played with the orchestra of the St. Petersburg Conservatory in the small hall of the philharmonic society (conductor - rector of the conservatory Alexei Vasiliev).

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