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Oslo Haggadone

Oslo Haggadone is 13 years old going into 8th grade.  Oslo was born in Wenzhou China on January 2, 2007, he was adopted in July 2008. Oslo only began piano at the age of 10 taking basic piano lessons at home. He started studying classical piano under Emily Yeh, NCTM in June 2018. He also studied  composition, theory and technique under Joseph Myers. Along with piano Oslo plays percussion instruments in his school band.

Oslo’s 1st audition/competition was the KMTA State Honors Auditions in November of 2018, where he finished with a 1 rating. Oslo won 3rd prize in the Great Composers Best Handel Performance in February 2019 and 1st prize in the Hesston College Keyboard Competition in Novemeber 2019.  

Oslo also enjoys Scouts, bike riding, playing video games and drawing.   

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