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Serena Theobald

Serena Theobald is a 16-year-old junior at Los Altos High School in Los Altos, CA. She has enjoyed playing the piano since she was 5 years old and currently studies with Dr. Chia-Lin Yang, Lecturer in Music at U.C. Santa Cruz and a member of the piano faculty at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Serena has excelled in regional and international piano competitions including winning the American Fine Arts Festival Romantic Music International Competition and giving a prize-winning performance at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Hall.

Serena’s love for music led her to begin playing the violin in the 4th grade and she currently plays jazz violin with the Los Altos High School Jazz Band. In addition, Serena formed the Musical Bridges student club at her high school to allow students to share their love for music with the community. The group regularly plays chamber music at community events and senior centers in the Los Altos area. Community service is very important to Serena and she also serves as Chairman of the Los Altos Hills Youth Commission, a local government committee that promotes a higher level of civic involvement by youths.

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