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Eunice Choi

Eunice, 6 years old, is from New Jersey and started piano when she was about 4.
Eunice enjoys playing the piano on stage. Besides piano, Eunice loves animals, drawing, soccer, swimming and reading. Here are Eunice’s musical accomplishments in 2017 and 2018:

Young Musicians Competition of NJ Music Teachers Association (5 year old category) - 1st place, November 2017

Russian Music Competition-Grande Prize, December 2017

Little Mozarts Competition -1st place, May, 2018

IMPACT Young Virtuoso Competition - silver award, December 2018

Winners recitals at
Westminster Choir College, Princeton NJ
-November, 2017
Carnegie (Weill) Hall, NY-December, 2017, May & December 2018

Guest performer at
AADGT International Young Gifted Musicians Festival-June, 2018

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