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Alejandro Corona Aguilar

Born in 2004 in Xalapa, Veracruz (Mexico). He starts learning piano with his mother at age 7. In 2013 he starts studying in the Instituto Superior de Música del Estado de Veracruz (ISMEV), and since 2016 he takes piano classes with Prof. Leonardo del Castillo.

In 2014 he begins to take Jazz lessons with Prof. Francisco Cruz. 

Alejandro Corona has given recitals in Mexico and  USA.  

He received  Honorable Mention from the Orquesta Sinfónica de Xalapa (OSX), and was a winner in the national competition Niños Sinfónicos 2018. 

In 2018, he was accepted as a participant for the international  programs The Chloé Trevor Music Academy, the SSI (University of North Texas) with scholarship for artistic merit.

In 2018 won first prize in Best Kabalevsky Performance International Music Competition.
In 2019 he was accepted as a participant for the international programs SSI (University of North Texas) and GSIM in Virginia Commonwealth with scholarship in both of them for artistic merit.
Alejandro Corona has been  a soloist with orchestras in Mexico like Orquesta Sinfónica Silvestre Revueltas en Celaya y la Orquesta Sinfónica UAEH.

Alejandro was invited to take part of PopUp Expirence Mexico 2019 as one of the best exponents of art in Mexico.

In 2020 he won first prize in Best Mendelssohn Performance International Music Competition, first prize in Best Bach Performance International Music Competition, first prize in  Salzburg Grand Prize Virtuoso and the invitation to perform at Wiener Saal, Mozarteum, first prize in ODIN International Music Competition, Piano and second prize in Artist of the Year, session 2019-2020.And he was recognized as a Resilient youth by the Senate of the Mexican Republic.

He currently works as a soloist and recitalist in Mexico and recently in USA.

Alejandro Corona has taken class with Anatolia Ioannides, Jinson Kim, Steven Harlos, Jonathan Tsay, Brendan Kinsella, Juan Pablo Andrade, Joanne Kong, Vladimir Milosevic, Laurens Patslaff, Sonia Vlahcevic, Li Zhe, Ana María Tradatti.

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