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Nikki Lau

Nikki Lau, 7 years old, lives in Canada. She has been avidly studying piano for more than 2 years with Angela Ho.

She has won numerous prizes at the piano competitions, such as First Prize in The Art of Piano at the Great Composers International Competitions 2018 and 2019, First Prize in Montreal Classical Music Festival 2019, First Prize in Québec Music Competition 2019, First Prize and the Most Promising Prize in Festival Musique Jeunesse Québec-Ontario 2019, First Prize in Crescendo International Competition 2019, First Prize in Golden Classical Music Award International Competition 2019. First Prize in Best Chopin Performance at Great Composers Competition 2020. Nikki had also been invited to perform at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York as a winner of both Crescendo Competition and Golden Classical Music Award International Competition.

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