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Jacqueline Chen

Jacqueline Chen is a junior at the Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, NJ. She began playing the piano at age 5 with Ursula Ingolfsson and currently studies with Ingrid Clarfield, Professor of Piano Department at Westminster Choir College in New Jersey. Jacqueline has earned many awards in prestigious piano competitions, most notably six times First Prize winner at Crescendo International Competition, seven times Grand Prix winner at Music-Fest, five times Gold Prize winner at Golden Key Music festival, and many times Gold awards in IMPACT competition. She was named Best Performer and was awarded First Place in the Elite International Competition in New York. She has also been awarded First Prize at Rising Talents of the World, the music of 19th century, the Best Debussy and the Best Schumann performance competitions in the Great Composers Competition. Most recently, she has won the First Place of Concerto competition in Concert Festival and American Fine Arts Festival Concerto Competition. Jacqueline had the privilege of performing in renowned venues such as Carnegie Hall, Merkin Hall and Lincoln Center. Jacqueline uses music to help out the community, she organizes charity concerts within her piano studio and often performs for local retirement homes.
In addition to piano, Jacqueline has been playing the violin for 8 years. Jacqueline is a principal violinist in both of the School’s orchestras and played in the pit for her school musical last year.
Aside from music, Jacqueline is the president of a charity club at her school that supports St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. She is also an editor-in-chief of her school’s science research journal, Lawrencium; a staff writer for the school newspaper, The Lawrence; a selected prefect for Girls Lower House for Lawrenceville School 2020-2021 school year.

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