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Celine Chen

Celine Chen, 15, was instinctively drawn to the piano and began playing at the age of 4. Celine has won countless accolades in numerous piano competitions, including the Glory International Music Competition, the Los Angeles Young Pianist Competition, Glendale Piano Competition, the Grand Prize award from Satori Young Piano Competition, the CAPMT Romantic Competition, the MTAC Scholarship Competition, the Southwestern Young Music Festival and the International Music Talent American Protege Competition, which allowed her to perform at Carnegie Hall in the winter of 2017. She was also a Gold Medalist at the Complete Works Bach Festival in 2018. Recently, Celine won the Gail Newby Concerto Competition, the CAPMT Contemporary Music Competition, and the CAPMT Honors Competition, the Grand Virtuoso International Competition and a finalist at MTNA National Competition.

Additionally, Celine is an active member of the Los Angeles Junior Chamber Music and was a recent scholarship recipient to the Montecito International Music Festival, in which she had the opportunity to participate in a masterclass with Dr. Thomas Lymenstull. She has also had the privilege of engaging in masterclasses with Petr Jiříkovský and Avedis Kouyoumdjian on her honor tour with JCM as debut artist to various cities in Europe in the summer of 2018.

In addition to her passion for music, Celine was also the principal flutist in her school, a member of CSUN Philharmonic Orchestra and the California All State Honor Band. Aside from music, Celine enjoys art and reading books. Looking toward the future, Celine plans to pursue music both as a pianist and flutist.

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