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Taksh Gupta

Taksh Gupta, age 10, is a student of Ingrid Clarfield, Professor of Piano at Westminster Choir College of Rider University. He has been a student of Professor Clarfield for 5 years. He is a 5th grade student at Village Elementary School at West Windsor, NJ.

Taksh starting participating in competitions at the age of 5 and has won numerous awards in the last 5 years. The awards include two times First prize winner at NJMTA Fall Young Musicians Competition, three times High Honors recipient at NJMTA Spring Audition, two times Gold prize winner at Golden Key Music Festival, First prize winner at Steinway South Jersey Competition, two times first prize winner at Crescendo International Competition, and 4 times winner at Young Pianist Competition of NJ.

He has performed at many prestigious venues including performing ten times at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, twice at Rutgers University, five times at Rider University, and also at Stockton University.

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