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Adriana Uzunova

Adriana Emilova Uzunova is 15 years old pianist from Bulgaria. She started taking piano lessons at age of 9 under the guidance of Prof. Elena Yuliianova. She has played in duo , trio , quartet and ensamble . She has already performed with an orchestra twice - solist of Philharmonic Orchestra in Sliven , Bulgaria conducted by Dimitar Karaminkov . Also , she has played a number of concerts and participated in master classes with Prof. Pavlina Dokovska - New York , USA , Prof. Shantal Stegliani - France , Prof. Krasimir Taskov - Bulgaria , Martin Ivanov - Vienna, Austria , Evgeni Genchev - Great Britain and many others . Adriana has won over 70 prizes by Bulgarian and International competitions four of which are Grand Prix.

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