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Aleksandra Lenkiewicz

Born on 6th of August 2001 in Trzebnica, Poland.

Attends Ogólnokształcąca Szkoła Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego (General Music School of the name of Karol Szymanowski) in Wrocław. A student of Elżbieta Bolsewicz since 2012.
Participant and laureate of many regional, national and international violin competitions, e.g. in Elbląg (2012, IV prize), Warsaw (2014, honorable mention), Grudziądz (2013, honorable mention), Cieszyn (2014), Lubań (2014, I prize), Elbląg (2015, III prize), Grudziądz (2015), Zielona Góra (2015 - III prize, 2016 - III prize), Poznań (2015, 2016, 2018-honorable mention), Rybnik (2016), Toruń (2017), Malta – Valletta (2017, I prize), London (2018, II and III prize in two different categories).
A member of school chamber ensemble (2012-2016) that took part in many regional and national competitions, e.g. in Żary (2013, honorable mention), Bystrzyca Kłodzka (2013), Wrocław (2013), Warsaw (2014), Sierpc (2015), Rybnik (2016, III prize), Jawor (2016), Kraków (2016).

Has attended master classes of prof. Marcin Baranowski, dr Jan Romanowski, prof. Aureliusz Goliński, prof. Łukasz Błaszczyk, prof. Wiesław Kwaśny, dr Christian Danowicz, prof. Tomasz Tomaszewski, prof. Jan Stanienda, Konrad Dragan and prof. Wieńczysław Kasprzak.
Awarded artistic scholarship by President of Wrocław (2016/2017).

Likes playing Polish and foreign compositions of various periods, especially romanticism era. Proud of the possibility of promoting Polish culture abroad.

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