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Po Goh

Po Goh is in his second year of study at Monash University, under the teaching of Dr. Kenji Fujimura. He has a diverse musical background, from performing concertos to playing as a part of orchestras, jazz bands, chamber groups and in theatre pits. Past achievements include being a finalist for the Preston Symphony Orchestra Youth Concerto Competition and the Monash University Spivakovsky Prize in 2017. Always looking for performance opportunities, he frequently participates in Melbourne eisteddfods and the concerts that Monash holds. He also has a keen interest in composing and arranging, having a composition featured in VCE Top Acts 2017. He has a passion for composers of the 20th century, but is always looking to broaden his listening. Currently, Po aims to develop as much as possible as a musician during his tertiary studies and expand his knowledge and repertoire so he can make a worthwhile contribution to the music industry.

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