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Nicholas Khong

Since age 11, Nicholas participated and won prizes in many piano competitions, such as 1st Prize in Bernstein National Piano Competition (2019 & 3rd Prize in 2018), 2nd & 3rd Prize in Eisteddfod By The Bay (2019 & 2018), 3rd Prize Music Society of Victoria’s Nehama Patkin Memorial Award (2019 for under 18 section), Waverley Music Eisteddfod (2017), Melbourne International Music Competition @ Deakin Edge (2016), Best Haydn Performance & Music of The 19th Century (2018), Best Mozart Performance (2019) in the Great Composers Competition and sponsorship award at 2018 Piano Spring Program @ Glenfern.

Realising his dreams, Nicholas debuted at the Carnegie Hall, New York on 1st April 2018 at the American Protege Winners’ Recital.

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