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Hristiana Haralampieva

Hristiana was born on 1st of February 2010. She began playing piano at 5 with her music teacher Elena Yulianova in Kazanlak, Bulgaria. At the age of 6 she began to participate in international and national piano competitions and festivals. As a soloist and duet with her partner so far she has been awarded with over of 80 awards from live and on-line competitions-First prize winner of ,,Best Bach performance’’, Great composers competition 2018, First prize winner of ,,The music of the 17th Century’’ 2018, First prize of ,,Grand prize virtuoso’’ International music competition 2018, Third prize winner ,,ENKOR’’ 2018, First prize winner of ,,Best Mozart performance’’ 2019, Second prize winner of ,,Best Bartok performance’’ 2019, Primo Premio Assoluto 100/100 IX International music competition Amigdala ,,Giuseppe Raciti’’ Memorial 2019 in Catania, Sicily, Italy, Second prize of ,,Rising Talents of Europe’’ 2020. Hristiana also performs well on concert scenes- in April 2018 and in February 2020 as a soloist of a symphonic Orchestra and piano concerts in Paris, France and Nicosia and Pafos, Cyprus. All the successes achieved come as a result of her talent, love to the music and a lot of training with her teacher. At the present Hristiana studies the forth grade in the school with highest score. She enjoys drawing and painting.

At the present Hristiana studies the third grade in the school with highest score. She enjoys drawing and painting.

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