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Claire Rong

Claire started to play the piano at the age of 4. She is currently taking piano lessons with Mrs. Sueanne Metz. For the past two years with Sueanne, Claire has made rapid progress at piano and has become more and more passionate about classical music.

Following is a list of all her wins:

• Overall best performer and first prize in 2017 US New Star Piano Competition
• Third prize in II Future Stars International Piano Competition
• Second prize for New York Debut Young Musicians International Competition
• First prize and Exceptional Young Musician award for Grand Prize Virtuoso International competition. Invited to perform in winner’s concert in Musikverein Vienna in September 2017
• First prize in Solo category at Carmel Klavier International Piano competition in July, 2017
• Second prize at VIII Chopin International Piano competition in March 2017. Invited to the Chopin Festival at Kurozweki Castle in Poland in July 2017
• Winner of AFAF 2016-2017 regular season and performed in Carnegie Hall in May 2017

She is an active member of her school orchestra.
In addition to music, Claire enjoys drawing, reading and travelling around the world. Claire also has a natural love for animals and enjoys playing with her cats: Sunny and Chilly.

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