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Ayunia Indri Saputro

Born in October 1998, Ayunia Indri Saputro, DipLCM, DipABRSM is a young pianist from Surabaya, Indonesia. She learned the basics of piano under the private guidance of Mrs. Anna Sulastri at the age of 5, and continued to develop her passion in music with Mrs. Rosalinawati Iman & Dr. Johannes Sebastian Nugroho as both her mentors and musical role models. Ayunia had participated in various concerts and music festival, among them are Dulwich International Music Academy Festival 2014 in Beijing, China, A Classical Soiree – The Inaugural Concert 2013 in Jakarta, and Jakarta New Year Concert ‘Opera Highlights’ 2016. In August 2016, she had the honour to perform at the residence of Indonesia’s 3rd Former President, Prof. Dr. H. B.J. Habibie. Her strong dedication in music has brought her into several accomplishments in piano competitions throughout the years, such as the 4th place in JCom – Boston National Piano Competition 2013; 1st place in Ananda Sukarlan’s Award Junior National Piano Competition; Top 5 finalist in INDOPOS – Jakarta International Open Piano Competition 2013; 1st place in London College of Music Competition 2014; and 1st place in Ananda Sukarlan’s Award Competition in Junior Category 2016. She has also participated in masterclasses with many of renowned musicians, such as Ananda Sukarlan, Mario Santoso, Steven Spooner, Andreas Henkel, Miranda Wong, Nariyaki Sugiura, Bruce Brubaker, and Sara Davis Buechner. In 2015 and 2016, Ayunia has completed her London College of Music and ABRSM Diploma examination in piano performance and performed in the High Scorers’ Concerts for both examinations. Ayunia is currently in her second year pursuing piano performance major at University of British Columbia, Canada under the guidance of a respected pianist and Steinway Artist, Mark Anderson.

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