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Helir Hernández

​Helir Hernández is a student at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. He started playing piano at the age of 5. He has won in competitions such as the National Competition for young pianists "Parnassós" in the 2014 (2nd prize) and 2016 (first prize) editions. He also won the 3rd prize at the Villahermosa Tabasco International Competition in 2016, the 1st prize at the "IX Bienal International of Piano" and 3rd place at the National and International Competition José Jacinto Cuevas YAMAHA. Recently won the 1st prize in Guadalajara and Durango, all of these in México. He has performed in places such as the University Theater, Aula Magna and San Pedro Auditorium in Nuevo León, José Peón Contreras Theater in Merida and City Theater in Mexicali, Baja California.

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