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Gillian Geraldine

Started learning piano at age 5, and violin as my minor instrument at age 8. My first international competition was ASEAN Int'l Chopin Piano Competition in 2004 (age 7) and came out as a Silver Winner, brought me as a finalist for Asia Int'l Chopin Piano Competition in Japan. At age 11, held a full solo recital with all left hand compositions. The following year, held another full solo recital of all Impromptus and all Scherzi by Chopin. Made my debut in Sydney Opera House performing all Etudes opus 10 and 4 Scherzi by Chopin in 2013. Awarded the 'Best Fragmen Award' in Indonesia Pusaka Int'l Piano Comp, performed in Indonesian Presidential Palace. Throughout my musical journey, I've performed in few halls such as Carnegie Hall twice, Melbourne Recital Centre, Fryderyk Chopin Auditorium Warsaw, Sydney Opera House, San Francisco Conservatory of Music.

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