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Tasha Piyabongkarn

Tasha Piyabongkarn (11) started piano at the age of 5 with Dr. Megan and Dr. Christopher Wallace. Currently, she is a 6th grader at Wayzata Central Middle School in Plymouth, Minnesota.

Tasha has won multiple prizes in local competitions (Minnesota PianoFun 2013-2017, the University of Northwestern’ s 2016-2017 Piano Solo Festival, and MMTA masterclasses 2015-2017). Outside of Minnesota, Tasha received an Honorable Mention in the American Protégé International competition for her solo performance and got to play at Carnegie Hall. She returned there Summer 2016 as a 3rd place concerto winner. Tasha also received 2nd prizes from The Great Composers Competition for Master of Sonata and Mater of Concerto in 2017.

Besides piano, Tasha enjoys playing the violin, competitive tennis, reading tons of books, and baking for her family.

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